ما هى افضل طريقة لحل سؤال البراجراف

رد: ما هى افضل طريقة لحل سؤال البراجراف

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المشرف العام

رد: ما هى افضل طريقة لحل سؤال البراجراف

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تفضل ياغالى

Globalization is the increasing interconnection of people and places as a result of advances in transport, communication, and information technologies that causes political, economic, and cultural meeting point . Globalization brings us many benefits, but there are negative effects too. As a result of globalised manufacturing, cheap goods come from the Far East and destroy manufacturing in regions with higher costs.In an attempt to compete, some high-cost manufacturers move their operations to regions with lower costs. Both these changes cause unemployment and social problems. Importing countries may react with protectionism in order to protect their industries. However, free trade always beats protectionism in the end because it offers consumers the widest choice at the best prices.

Multinational companies are starting to become truly multinational and to provide new opportunities around the world. In the first stage of globalisation, companies manufactured and kept control in their home countries and sold abroad. In the second stage, they started manufacturing abroad, but control was kept at head office. Finally, companies are now moving control away from head office. As a result of this third stage, power is moving to more places around the world, and staff are becoming more mixed and non-western.

The fast-changing world of work means many new challenges for young people now starting their careers. Because of changing technology and business needs, there will be a need for life-long learning. Employees can expect to work in different countries during their career, and perhaps work with people from many different countries and in more than one language

دة موضوع تعبير كامل عن العولمة ممكن انت تختصرة



المشرف العام
طاقم الإدارة
المشرف العام

رد: ما هى افضل طريقة لحل سؤال البراجراف

ما هى افضل طريقة لحل سؤال البراجراف

اولا تحفظ اهم كلمات المنهج
ثانيا فية موضوع ثابت ايجابى + موضوع سلبى + موضوع للشخصيات
كلمات + النماذج اللى هتكتب بيها البراجراف يبقى كدة ضمنتة قريب جدا هنزل مذكرة مراجعة فيها الكلمات والنماذج الثابتة وكمان فيها مراجعة لكل المنهج تابع هذا القسم

الصف الثانى الثانوى


الصف الثالث الثانوى


التعديل الأخير:


المشرف العام
طاقم الإدارة
المشرف العام

رد: ما هى افضل طريقة لحل سؤال البراجراف

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