معلم لغة انجليزية للمرحلة الثانوية
*بداية أود أن أقول لكم عزيزى الطالب /عزيزتى الطالبة... أن الموقف أو ما يقال فى الموقف هو شعور أو انفعال الشخص نحو الموقف . فكما يقول علماء النفس أن كل فعل له رد فعل أو استجابة Every action has a reaction . فهناك مواقف طلب وهناك مواقف تهنئة وأخرى تمنى ، وهكذا ،،،، فمثلا :
You want to congratulate your neighbour on his success
تريد أن تهنىء جارك على نجاحه . مبسوط
تفتكر الاجابة هتكون أيه يعنى ؟! دى الاجابة فى الموقف نفسه .نقول :
تريد أن تهنىء جارك على نجاحه . مبسوط
تفتكر الاجابة هتكون أيه يعنى ؟! دى الاجابة فى الموقف نفسه .نقول :
Or / Great news
Or / I'm very happy to hear that good news
Or/ What a lovely surprise
مثال آخر
You are in the clothes shop and the sales assistant says to you ," Can I help you ? "يعنى أنت فى محل الملابس والبائع بيسألك " أى خدمة ؟ " هترد تقول ايه يعنى ؟ ! أوعى تزعلنى منك وتقول زى ناس تانية Yes ,you can طبعا ، دا مش كلام طلبة ثانوى أبدا . انما تقول طلبك ايه ، يعنى مثلا تقول :
Yes,please . I want to buy a shirt /a tie /a suit ...etc
Or : Thanks , I'm just looking
Answered Situations
You are requested to fetch your younger brother from school = Ok. I'll fetch him . Don't worry , dad /Mum
You went to the airport to see your brother off = Have a happy journey /flight
Or : I'll miss you . Keep in touch
You ask your teacher's advice on how to revise for the exam . = You should answer as many exercises and exams as you can
Or : I advise you to work to a study plan
Your neighbour wishes you success . = Thanks . It's a good feeling of you
Your friend is suffering from a pain in his back . = You must see a doctor . / You'd better have some rest
A passer-by offers you help , but you aren't in need of help . = Thank you , I can manage ./ I can do it myself
Your sister can not do the exercise . She asks your help . = Ok., I'll help you . Don't worry
Your father is busy reading the paper and asks you to answer the phone . = Ok., dad , I'll answer it
The waiter at the restaurant asks for your order=
I'll have fish with rice and green salad
You're asked to suggest a means for saving energy . = We shouldn't extravagate in using electricity
Or : We have to look for other alternatives of renewable energy ( such as ; solar energy , wind power ...etc
You have spilt tea on your friend's coat . = I'm so sorry
The waiter asks you what you would like to have for dessert
I'd like to have ice cream
الى الملتقى فى دروس أخرى قادمة باذن الله .
Or / Great news
Or / I'm very happy to hear that good news
Or/ What a lovely surprise
مثال آخر
You are in the clothes shop and the sales assistant says to you ," Can I help you ? "يعنى أنت فى محل الملابس والبائع بيسألك " أى خدمة ؟ " هترد تقول ايه يعنى ؟ ! أوعى تزعلنى منك وتقول زى ناس تانية Yes ,you can طبعا ، دا مش كلام طلبة ثانوى أبدا . انما تقول طلبك ايه ، يعنى مثلا تقول :
Yes,please . I want to buy a shirt /a tie /a suit ...etc
Or : Thanks , I'm just looking
Answered Situations
You are requested to fetch your younger brother from school = Ok. I'll fetch him . Don't worry , dad /Mum
You went to the airport to see your brother off = Have a happy journey /flight
Or : I'll miss you . Keep in touch
You ask your teacher's advice on how to revise for the exam . = You should answer as many exercises and exams as you can
Or : I advise you to work to a study plan
Your neighbour wishes you success . = Thanks . It's a good feeling of you
Your friend is suffering from a pain in his back . = You must see a doctor . / You'd better have some rest
A passer-by offers you help , but you aren't in need of help . = Thank you , I can manage ./ I can do it myself
Your sister can not do the exercise . She asks your help . = Ok., I'll help you . Don't worry
Your father is busy reading the paper and asks you to answer the phone . = Ok., dad , I'll answer it
The waiter at the restaurant asks for your order=
I'll have fish with rice and green salad
You're asked to suggest a means for saving energy . = We shouldn't extravagate in using electricity
Or : We have to look for other alternatives of renewable energy ( such as ; solar energy , wind power ...etc
You have spilt tea on your friend's coat . = I'm so sorry
The waiter asks you what you would like to have for dessert
I'd like to have ice cream
الى الملتقى فى دروس أخرى قادمة باذن الله .