برجراف عن حياة كريمة A review of the Decent Life Initiative


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برجراف عن حياة كريمة A review of the Decent Life Initiative في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثالث الإعدادي
The Decent Life Initiative is an exciting plan that is really making a difference to about 32 million people who live in rural areas in Egypt. The initiative aims to improve the quality of public services.

It provides more health care, better education and better job opportunities. Since 2019, the Decent Life Initiative has helped people in 377 villages to have clean water. It has also helped to repair their houses and it has sent doctors

to the villages to deliver medicine and help people who are ill. It has also improved facilities for disabled people, and is helping more children to have a better education by building schools in the villages. The Decent Life Initiative will continue to help people in poor neighbourhoods around the country. That really is an amazing plan!​

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